Recorded in February 2015
Everyone practising in the field of residential leasehold property understands how important it is to be up to date with the latest legal decisions. You and your practice will benefit from this seminar summarising the key Court of Appeal and Upper Tribunal decisions affecting collective enfranchisement.
As busy people on the receiving end of so much information, keeping abreast of how the courts and tribunals apply complex legislation is a time-consuming task. Make your life easier by spending 90 minutes listening to our wide-ranging and informative webinar and learn what has been happening over the last twelve months.
The presentation lasts 60 minutes followed by up to 30 minutes Q+A
Speaker: Kavita Bharti is a Chartered Legal Executive with over 11 years’ experience in property law. Having previously worked in private practice and for a local authority, she developed specialist knowledge in the conveyancing process and commercial property. She joined LEASE in 2014 and has developed a strong knowledge of leasehold law and property management. She is an experienced legal trainer and has provided training to various housing authorities, housing associations and other professional bodies and regularly contributes content to the LEASE website. As well as advising on all aspect of leasehold and enfranchisement law, Kavita is also LEASE’s Business Development Officer and a qualified mediator.